TE7063 Reflective Professional Studies (30 Credits)
What will I learn on this module?
This core module will develop your knowledge and understanding of a range of learning and teaching issues related to current practice in the education phase in which you are training. You will engage in systematic reflection and analysis of your practice and the critical debate with peers and colleagues. This will develop your understanding of how to provide challenging learning environments that support pupil learning. You will learn about key theories and develop an appreciation of how research informed practice supports the development of your pedagogy and is contextualised by your school environment. Your learning will be set within the context of contemporary issues such as:
Equality, Inclusion & Diversity in Education
Behaviour for Learning
Assessment: Principles & Practice
Ideologies and realities
Cultural & Political perspectives of Education
Theoretical Principles, Learning & Children
Professional Responsibility & Practice
How will I learn on this module?
You will learn through a combination of university-based and school-based opportunities that aim to underpin professional learning with academic knowledge and critical understanding. Lectures, seminars, tutorials and workshops will provide you with opportunities to reflect on your school-based experience and to develop an appreciation of the importance of integrating practice and formal theory. Your learning will be situated in a distinct ‘community of practice’ where experiential, collaborative and individualised strategies will enable you to develop the personal, professional and transferable skills associated with outstanding newly qualified teachers. The expertise and experience of University based tutors and highly experienced school-based mentors will ensure your learning is grounded in current best practice. In addition to tutor led sessions, you will be directed and supported in your individual study as you seek to develop a critical and well-informed understanding of the nature of education in contemporary society. You will be encouraged to make full use of established social and professional networking tools in addition to the online resources provided by the University to enhance your learning and support your academic and professional development. A central aspect of this will be the utilisation of the eLP and Pebble+ through which you will create an Individual Learning and Development Portfolio (ILDP) that will help you to track your progress against Teachers’ Standards (2012) and aid your transition to employment.This combination of theory and school-based observation and practice will have a significant impact on your effectiveness in the classroom.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
You will be well supported through lectures and seminars to develop your criticality of the topics within this module. You will be provided with detailed guidance on how to use Pebble+ to document your professional development and learning and signposted to some of the key reading to support your thinking. You will be allocated an academic guidance tutor who will support you throughout the year, through tutorial sessions and 1-1 guidance as required. All key reading resources which will be needed for taught sessions will be provided through the Elp. A central feature the academic support available to you is the service provided by the University Library. This 24/7 service caters for all your learning needs and has extensive access to electronic texts and tutorials that will also support your learning in this module. As much of the time is spent in school, the electronic access will be of particular benefit to you.
What will I be expected to read?
All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. The reading list for this module can be found at: http://readinglists.northumbria.ac.uk
(Reading List service online guide for academic staff this containing contact details for the Reading List team – http://library.northumbria.ac.uk/readinglists)
What will I be expected to achieve?
Knowledge & Understanding:
be able to demonstrate and apply your knowledge and critical understanding of the theoretical principles of learning related to raising attainment within the subject(s) you are teaching
be able to engage in critical debate about current pedagogical approaches, drawing on evidence from theory, research and practice;
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
be able to apply your knowledge and understanding of key principles in teaching and learning to raising the attainment of pupils
critically reflect on the nature of learning and teaching within your subject (s) area for either secondary or primary teaching;
Personal Values Attributes
demonstrate your understanding of education at both a national and international level.
How will I be assessed?
Formative Assessment (Semester 1)
Students will be supported in setting up your ILDP (Individual Learning & Development Portfolio) at the beginning of their training. Throughout Semester 1 students will log your experience and learning using the templates that form the structure of the ILDP and begin to build an evidence base linked to the Teachers’ Standards (2012). Academic Guidance Tutors and School Based Mentors will provide guidance and support throughout the Autumn Term and give formal, formative feedback at the end of Semester 1.
(IPSA 1,2)
Summative Assessment (End of Semester 2)
Presentation of completed ILDP & Professional Viva
You will present this to a tutor/moderator as their evidence base of academic and professional learning. The assessment criteria is aligned to the Teachers’ Standards (2012) and MLOs:
KU (1,2) IPSA (1,2), PVA (1)
Module Abstract
This module will provide you with a broad overview of the main learning theories which have influenced current practice in education, with a particular focus on issues relating to raising attainment. It will engage you in thought provoking discussion and debate about these theories, to enable you to develop a criticality of analysis. You will find out about recent and relevant educational research from the UK and beyond, which will help to shape your growing philosophy and pedagogical stance .Keynote lectures during your University days will encourage you to reflect upon your school based experience in light of those theories studied.